Finding a professionally trained Neurofeedback practitioner or a professionally trained qEEG specialist in South Africa.
Neurofeedback practitioner: To qualify as a BCIA (Biofeedback International Alliance) neuro- and biofeedback practitioner, the practitioner needs to be registered as health professional provider at HPCSA (Health Profession Council of SA) or AHPCSA (The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa) which are statutory health bodies controlling the quality of heath care provision. This includes professional healthcare categories like Occupational-, Speech and Physiotherapist, Psychologists, Medical doctors, etc., as well as all complementary health professions. Practitioners will then be allowed to complete the international training and certification program to become a BCIA-certified practitioner.
QEEG service providers: To qualify as a practitioner providing qEEG services, the practitioner needs to be registered as health professional provider at HPCSA (Health Profession Council of SA) or AHPCSA (The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa) which are statutory health bodies controlling the quality of health care provision. This includes professional healthcare categories like Occupational-, Speech and Physiotherapist, Psychologists, Medical doctors etc, as well as all complementary health professions. Practitioners will then be allowed to complete the international training and certification process by the International qEEG Certification Board to become a QEEG-T or a QEEG-D.
There are currently 4 categories of qEEG-providers in South Africa:
- Professional healthcare workers registered at the HPSCA and AHPCSA that were trained in this specialist domain prior to 2016 with work experience of 10-15 years.
- EEG-Technician, who works under supervision as they are not registered as professional healthcare workers at the HPCSA or the AHPCSA, and
- Clinicians who are training to become QEEG qualified and who are currently being mentored.
- qEEG-Diplomate who is registered as a professional health care provider at the HPCSA or the AHPCSA.
Look for one of these logos to ensure that your practitioner is qualified to perform these services. You may also visit the IQEEGCB website: or visit the BFSA website: to find a qualified qEEG practitioner.