How do I know that my child is ready to attend formal schooling? This assessment is usually performed pre-school eg in Grade 0 or 00 to:
- Determine intellectual, emotional and sensory motor skills development;
- Ensure that the pre-schooler has acquired the necessary level of pre-academic skills to benefit optimally from formal education;
- Identify areas that are not age-appropriately developed; and to
- Recommend appropriate therapies and support to enhance development of foundational skills.
Learning Problems / Disability Assessment:
What subjects do I need to take in order to support my future dreams and ideals? This assessment is performed at the end of Grade 9 to assist with selection of specific subjects for Grade 10, which would be supportive of the adolescent’s interests and aptitude and information is instrumental in facilitating the career development process that occurs in the Grade 10 to 12 phase. Early career guidance can be vital in making the most appropriate subject choices.
High School Subject Choices:
What is keeping my child back at school? Is he performing according to his potential? This assessment is performed to identify and diagnose a specific learning disability or potential learning challenge and includes:
- Assessment of intellectual ability (IQ); scholastic ability (reading, writing and spelling and mathematics); visuo-spatial skills; and emotional and personality development;
- Recommendations to parents and teachers to make decisions regarding support in class; or appropriate school placements; and;
- Recommendations for remedial support; or alternatively effective management of the specific learning disability eg Dyslexia; AD(H)D; APS etc.